Billy Fields, Ph.D.

Department of Political Science

College of Liberal Arts

Texas Resilient Streets and Greenways Asset Mapping & Community Engagement Synthesis Project

Billy Fields
Dr. Billy Fields


Dr. Fields researches the key urban design elements that create resilient communities.  In particular, he studies safe and resilient streets to identify best practices for urban planning that will create more options for active transportation and connect green and blue infrastructure.

Faculty Fellows Project:

Dr. Fields aimed to define the scope, meaning, and technical characteristics of successful, resilient transportation projects in Texas. To achieve these aims, he documented existing green infrastructure in Texas and piloted a community engagement model in San Marcos, Texas, to introduce resilience planning concepts and opportunities to community stakeholders.

Project Outcomes

Texas Resilient Streets and Greenways StoryMap

This GIS StoryMap highlights existing green infrastructure in Texas and showcases examples and opportunities for safe and resilient planning across the state. 

Desktop version of the StoryMap >>

Safe and Resilient Streets Working Group

Dr. Fields piloted a working group in San Marcos, Texas, to understand how resilience planning can be achieved at the community level. Participants learned best practices from leaders in resilience planning through a series of presentations and discussions.

San Marcos Resilient Streets and Greenways Asset Mapping

The working group conducted a street audit to identify and highlight opportunities for resilient streets in their community.

Desktop version of the StoryMap >>

Final Report

Fields report cover


The final report summarizes key lessons and next steps to implement the best practices and recommendations identified by the working group. The report also includes tools that can be used in other communities to implement these planning processes at the local level.

THRC_BillyFields_Final Report.pdf