Carolyn Chang, Ph.D.


Title III Generación STEM

Advancing Research for a Healthy and Resilient Texas Clinical Workforce

Headshot of Dr. Carolyn Chang
Dr. Carolyn Chang

Research Area:

Translational health, STEM education and workforce development, aquatic animal models of human disease, lab animal health and husbandry, bacterial host-pathogen interactions and disease ecology.

Faculty Fellows Project:

Dr. Carolyn Chang’s research promotes stem and healthcare workforce vitality in Texas through a regional network of partners working together to understand and address a shortage of Clinical Research Professionals (CRPs) in the state. Among other roles, CRPs help administer important clinical trials to learn more about the safety and efficacy of new drugs and devices. As a THRC Faculty Fellow, Dr. Chang is the lead facilitator of our center's Life Sciences & Clinical Workforce ECHO, which seeks to identify education and training needs for new and current CRPs, typical CRP career paths and barriers to retention, and economic development opportunities that could lead to broader participation in clinical trials through an expanded CRP workforce.


Dr. Chang is the director of GENERACIÓN STEM. She aims to foster student academic success while developing strategic and impactful STEM-related workforce development programs and initiatives. She has over seven years of experience as a researcher in basic and applied biomedical fields, as well as in higher education lecturing for undergraduate and graduate level courses.