Dr. Rodney Rohde
Associate Director for Engagement and Professor

Dr. Rodney Rohde is a Professor and Chair for the Clinical Laboratory Science Program in the College of Health Professions at Texas State University. He serves as Associate Dean of Research for his college and is a clinical assistant professor (joint appointment, non-paid) at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, School of Allied Health Sciences, Department of Laboratory Sciences & Primary Care, Clinical Laboratory Science Program.
He has been the recipient of numerous teaching, research, and service awards, including the 2017 Global Citizenship Alliance Global Fellow, 2017 Everette Swinney Faculty Senate Teaching Award, 2016 Texas State Alumni Association Teaching Award of Honor and the 2015 Mariel M. Muir Mentoring Award.
Dr. Rohde received his Bachelor of Science (microbiology) and Masters (Biology, emphasis in virology) degrees from Southwest Texas State University (now Texas State University). He received his Ph.D. in Education in 2010 (Adult Professional Community Education) from TXST.