Substance Use and Psychopathology in Adolescents
Bidirectional Interactions Between Psychopathology Symptoms and Substance Use in Adolescents

THRC's Community Health and Economic Resilience Research (CHERR) Center of Excellence
Dr. Ty Schepis
Research Pillar(s):
This project aims to foster health and resilience by understanding the development of substance misuse and psychopathology, along with the interaction between these conditions, in adolescents.
The primary goal is to determine the relationship between children who already experience anxiety and depression, and their initiation into substance use, with a specific focus on how it affects their symptoms. Findings from this research will help identify intervention points for at-risk adolescents and provide evidence to support universal screening for adolescent substance misuse in healthcare settings.

Enlighten Me Podcast
Dr. Schepis discusses his field of research and how it sheds light on substance misuse in adolescents.
Prescription Drug Misuse With Alcohol Coingestion Among US Adolescents: Youth Experiences, Health-related Factors, and Other Substance Use Behaviors
Authors: Jason A Ford, Sean Esteban McCabe, and Ty S Schepis
The current research uses multiple years of data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health to assess characteristics associated with coingestion among adolescents aged 12 to 17 years. The primary objective is to determine how youth experiences with parents, involvement in conventional activities, religiosity, social support, and school status are associated with coingestion.
Longitudinal Changes in Prescription Drug Misuse (PDM) and Polysubstance Use in Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA)
Author: Ty S Schepis
This study examines longitudinal change and age-period-cohort differences in PDM in AYAs, aged 12 to 30 years, to identify at-risk AYAs in need of targeted screening, prevention, and treatment. This research is relevant to the mission of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, as it allows researchers and clinicians to prevent PDM at the most vulnerable periods and intervene in those AYAs most in need of treatment.
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