Librarians as Conveners for Community Resilience


An image of a row of bookshelves in a library.


THRC's Community Health and Economic Resilience Research (CHERR) Center of Excellence


Dr. Elizabeth K. Eger

Research Pillar(s):

An icon of a road with a leaf cluster as the middle pavement marking.
A briefcase icon with a Red Cross symbol, meant to represent the STEM and Healthcare Workforce priority.
A head icon with a heart in place of a brain, meant to represent the Personal Health and Wellbeing pillar.
An icon of an medical monitor showing heart beat activity, meant to represent the Digital Healthcare Transformation pillar.
An ambulance moving at high speed with the siren on, meant to represent the Emergency Preparedness pillar.

This project involved a collaboration between researchers, librarians, and community members in two rural Texas communities to identify local needs for community resilience and emergency preparedness. 

By positioning librarians as community conveners and leaders for local resilience planning, the study took a community collaboration approach to implement COPEWELL (Composite of Post-Event Well-Being)—an evidence-based framework for community resilience developed by Johns Hopkins University. This project also leverages a partnership with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to inform future program development and resilience resources for Texas communities.

Researchers & Collaborators

Headshot of Dr. Elizabeth K. Eger.

Dr. Elizabeth K. Eger

Faculty Fellow, THRC

Associate Professor, Communication Studies

Headshot of Rex Long.

Rex Long

Doctoral Research Assistant, THRC
Headshot of Dianne Connery.

Dianne Connery


Director, Pottsboro Area Library

Headshot of Maria Freed.

Maria Freed


Consultant, Texas State Library and Archives Commission

Headshot of Brandy Winn.

Brandy Winn


Director, Lee-Bardwell Public Library


Texas State Library and Archives Commission logo.
Lee-Bardwell Public Library Business Card with logo on it.
Pottsboro Area Public Library logo.


Event facilitators speak with a group of Pottsboro community members at the event.

Pottsboro Community Resiliency Collaboration Event

Nov 9, 2023 | 4pm


Community Collaboration Adaptation of COPEWELL With Rural Texas Libraries

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