COPEWELL Dissemination & Implementation in TX
A framework to make Texans more resilient during natural disasters and public emergencies.
THRC's Community Health and Economic Resilience Research (CHERR) Center of Excellence
Research Pillar(s):
In Fall 2022, we partnered with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security to introduce the COPEWELL (Composite of Post-Event Well-Being) model for community resilience to organizations in Texas. Developed by researchers at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Delaware, COPEWELL includes a suite of evidence-based tools that leverage county-level data to help communities identify gaps and improve community functioning before, during, and after disasters.
Our dissemination efforts aimed to identify partners for implementing the COPEWELL model in Texas. To achieve this goal, THRC organized and sponsored a two-day virtual town hall to introduce COPEWELL and conducted a post-town hall survey to identify interested organizations. The town hall led to the implementation of the COPEWELL model in two Texas communities during Spring 2023.
Read more about these subsequent projects in Librarians as Conveners for Community Resilience.
COPEWELL was supported by CDC contract 75D30120C09492 at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
Researchers & Collaborators
Rex Long
Doctoral Research Assistant, THRC
Emily Repasky
Research Associate, THRC
Dr. Monica Schoch-Spana
Senior Scholar, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Dr. Jonathan Links
Professor, Chief Risk Officer, Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Tara Kirk Sell
Senior Scholar, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Sydney Clark
Disability and Preparedness Specialist, Tennessee Dept of Health
Jennifer Johnson
Senior Preparedness Field Assignee, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Michelle Morris
Community Impact Director, Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
Day 1
- 00:00 Introduction by Dr. Melinda Villagran - Executive Director of the Translational Health Research Center, TXST
- 04:44 Agenda walkthrough - Jessica Schneider, Director, Resilience Research Programs, TXST
- 07:28 Background on COPEWELL - Dr. Jonathan Links, Professor and Chief Risk Officer at Johns Hopkins University
- 21:54 Walkthrough of COPEWELL's website - Dr. Tara Kirk Sell, Senior Scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and Associate Professor
- 28:20 COPEWELL Rubrics - Dr. Monica Schoch-Spana, Senior Scholar with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and Senior Scientist with the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- 46:52 Q&A moderated by Emily Repasky, Research Associate, TXST
- 1:23:33 Closing & Reminders for Day 2 - Jessica Schneider
- 1:25:07 Final Remarks - Melinda Villagran
Day 2
- 00:00 Introduction: Jessica Schneider, MA, Director of Resilience Research, TXST
- 03:43 Use Case Presentation 1: Jennifer Johnson, MPA, CDC and Tennessee Department of Health, Emergency Preparedness & Sydney Clark, MPH, Tennessee Department of Health, Disability and Preparedness
- 15:19 Use Case Presentation 2: Michelle Morris, MPH, Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
- 30:59 Use Case Presentation 3: Rex Long, MA, Doctoral Research Assistant, TXST
- 42:59 Q&A moderated by Emily Repasky, Research Associate, TXST
- 1:08:02 Final Remarks: Jessica Schneider