Mission & Vision

Presenters at the Health Scholar Showcase stand in front of their posters


THRC leads and shares research to foster healthy and resilient people and places.

People standing in a circle talking


Our vision is to facilitate funded research and sponsored programs that establish Texas State as a hub for innovative and actionable research, and to translate that research to improve health and resilience

Translating Our Mission into Action

We are driven by a goal to promote and share health+resilience research happening at TXST. 

Promoting Research:

We are strategic about connecting faculty researching health+resilience not only with each other, but with grants and projects that can move both their careers and the university forward. 

Translating & Sharing Research:

We also believe that research should not stop with only a journal publication. As part of our mission to translate and share health+resilience research with the public, we work alongside researchers to promote their research to communities outside of the university. 

THRC funded research development process. 1) build campus and community research relationships. 2) connect potential collaborators. 3) pursue interdisciplinary research grants. 4) translate & share our research with the public.

Our Team

Meet the THRC staff

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