2018 Health Scholar Showcase - Gallery

2018 Health Scholar Poster Competition Winners

Lawrence Fulton

Lawrence Fulton's poster
Machine Learning Approaches for Identification of Alzheimer's Disease using Social Determinants & Imagery

Krystle E. Zuniga, Nancy E. Moran

Krystle E. Zuniga, Nancy E. Moran poster
Low Serum Carotenoids Are Associated with Inflammatory Markers and Subjective Cognitive Impairments in Breast Cancer Survivors

Krista Howard, Sinjin Roming, Natalie Ceballos, Stephanie Dailey, Tom Grimes

Krista Howard, Sinjin Roming, Natalie Ceballos, Stephanie Dailey, Tom Grimes poster
Social Media Behaviors and Psychosocial Predictors of Social Media Addiction