
talk bubbles

Oral Communication

Such as guest speakers, sponsorships, meetings, conferences, seminars, webinars, social media, trainings, and academic/community conversations.

visual communication

Visual Communication

Such as data visualization, GIS maps, dashboards, graphics/infographics, poster presentations, promo materials, videos, our website, and social media.

Written Communication

Written Communication

Such as grant proposals, reports, research papers, publications, articles, brochures, data/stats, blogs, social media, and other print/digital media.


THRC began as the Translational Health Research Initiative (THRI) in 2016 to facilitate innovative health research and sponsor programs that crossed department and disciplinary boundaries.

THRI’s original “Big Idea” led it to be elevated to a university-level research center in 2020, becoming the Translational Health Research Center (THRC). In its inaugural year, THRC was awarded two grants that helped launch its programs and activities. 

In 2021, another successful funding proposal helped expand THRC’s core mission to include a Community Health and Economic Resilience Research (CHERR) Center of Excellence.

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