Francis Méndez Mediavilla, Ph.D.

Department of Information Systems and Analytics

McCoy College of Business

Data Science Pathways En Español

Image of Dr. Francis Mendez
Dr. Francis Méndez Mediavilla


Dr. Méndez conducts research in exploratory data analysis and computational statistics. He is a co-principal investigator on Data Science Pathways (DSP), an online data science credentialing program. The program was conceived by Dr. Larry Fulton and Dr. Melinda Villagran as a way to increase skilled data science workers in the Texas Innovation Corridor through certification and credentialing. 

Faculty Fellows Project:

Dr. Méndez facilitated Data Science Pathways while working with THRC and the Department of World Languages and Literatures to begin translating DSP learning modules into Spanish. The project aimed to expand DSP’s reach to Spanish-speaking and bilingual workers in Texas, while providing opportunity for TXST language students to gain experience in professional translation.  


Project Outcomes

Data Science Pathways

Data Science Pathways (DSP) is sponsored by the Translational Health Research Center and was initiated with funding from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Through certification and credentialing, the program 1) addresses a need for workers in the Texas Innovation Corridor who have data analytics competencies and credentials, and 2) provides access to analytical and data literacy education to Texans regardless of undergraduate degree or preparation.

DSP reflects a partnership of over 30 faculty and 3 universities in the Texas State University System. The program aimed for 30 registrants in Year 1, but exceeded expectations with 41 students enrolled.

Data Science Pathways en Español

Block 1: Data for Society and Block 2: Data Math

Graduate students from the Department of World Languages and Literatures translated 175 videos for blocks 1 and 2 during Fall 2023/Spring 2024.

Mediavilla, F. A. M., & Cervantes, Y. C. (2023). Spanish translation for health and resilience research: A partnership between the Translational Health Research Center and Department of World Languages. Poster presented at the Health Scholar Showcase, Translational Health Research Center, San Marcos, Texas.

Tableau for Mental Health Data (coming soon)