Contact our ECHO manager to learn more about or get involved in current and upcoming ECHO TXST programs.

Research Pillar(s)
Our virtual learning network helps researchers and community members contribute to a world where life-saving best practices are accessible to everyone, regardless of where they live, using the revolutionary Project ECHO model. Our network supports knowledge-sharing and communities of practice in research and programming to foster healthy and resilient people and places.
Project ECHO goes beyond traditional webinars and online events. It's a platform for participants to engage in dialogue around a shared topic of interest, utilizing an innovative telementoring program that leverages videoconferencing and peer-to-peer learning to facilitate conversations and connections among ECHO participants worldwide.
As the official hub for Project ECHO at Texas State, THRC hosts these virtual knowledge networks with researchers, subject-matter experts, and community members to engage in conversations that foster health and economic resilience in Texas. We also help link Texas State faculty researchers with over 1300+ ECHO partner institutions and an estimated 1.5 million people from 193 countries worldwide.
ECHO TXST is one of over 1400 university hubs worldwide, each working together to share knowledge and solve problems through collaborative research.

iECHO Support
Get support on how to register, participate, and contribute to ECHO TXST and Project ECHO.